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High School

High School at Collegiate is the culminating achievement of a committed student. The high school is comprised of grades nine through twelve and is separated into honors and Advanced Placement tracks. Collegiate high school students form bonds with each other that allow them to push themselves to achieve academic, social and civic success. It is in our high school that students fully realize the importance of the Core Values, which have been instilled in them from an early age. Our students embody integrity, epitomize quality, exemplify perseverance, and value ownership. In short, the Collegiate Academy high school is a blend of character education and rigorous academics designed to prepare students for college and Colorado's 21st century workforce.

Our seniors leave Collegiate highly prepared for the workload and rigor of college. By the time they graduate, students will have completed 40 hours of community service and written a college level term paper. The "Senior Thesis" represents a first step toward a successful college career, requiring sustained literary analysis modeled on an English 101 term paper students will compose in college. Many Collegiate students graduate high school and enter their college of choice with Sophomore status due to their AP classes and test scores. Starting in the ninth grade, students are able to take AP classes which prepare them for college rigor, critical thinking success, and the AP exams. In short, the Collegiate high school is not only the culmination of our academic and character program, it is a world class environment from which students spring into the next chapter of their lives.