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Jeffco Public Schools uses a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) framework to organize and provide academic and social, emotional, and behavioral instruction and supports to ensure that every student receives what they need in order to be successful. 

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Learning at Collegiate Academy

Learning at Collegiate Academy includes quality instruction, programming and support.

Collegiate Academy’s academic program was founded upon and remains grounded in the principles of “cultural literacy” attributed to E.D. Hirsch and the Core Knowledge Foundation. The school’s educational model is designed to provide students with a broad content base from a young age, and to build upon that foundation through spiraled review and increasing detail and complexity in each successive grade level. This systematic approach to rigorous content is delivered in a small classroom environment with increased teacher attention to the needs of each individual student. Flexible ability grouping ensures that students are challenged in areas where they excel while receiving appropriate support in areas where they struggle. Collegiate Academy makes a deliberate effort to bring inquiry learning alive, integrating the 21st century skills of creativity and problem-solving as teachers create opportunity for students to struggle with problems, both in collaborative and independent settings, to develop as resilient and resourceful individuals.

As a public charter school, Collegiate Academy is subject to the same accountability measures as all other public schools in Colorado, and we participate in the state-mandated Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) assessment each year. Based in large part on this assessment, the Colorado Department of Education publishes an annual School Performance Framework, a “report card” of sorts measuring school level performance against expectations and issuing a composite score or “grade” to each school. In the past 5 years, Collegiate Academy has consistently received the highest SPF ranking as a green or “Performance” school each year. Though our school has performed well on the state assessment, we are committed to teaching the Colorado Academic Standards in a sequence which aligns with our school's Core Knowledge foundations, and we remain fiercely opposed to the idea of "teaching to a test."

Academic Departments

Collegiate Academy’s academic programs provide a quality education that prepares students for a successful future.

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Students at Collegiate Academy will take federal, state and district assessments, which help inform instruction and monitor progress. 

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Jeffco Public Schools’ curriculum and academic programs provide a quality education that prepares students for a successful future.

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Early Learning

Collegiate Academy’s Early Learning program teaches the whole child, with attention given to all areas of development including social-emotional and content knowledge. 

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Gifted & Talented

Collegiate Academy provides programming for exceptional learners who require special provisions to meet their educational needs.

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Grading & Report Cards

Collegiate Academy issues report cards at the end of each trimester or semester. Grades can also be reviewed in Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

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Individualized Career & Academic Plan (ICAP)

ICAPs help guide Collegiate Academy students and families in their exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities.

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Library & Research

Library and research support is a powerful learning resource for Collegiate Academy students.

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Postsecondary Opportunities

Collegiate Academy students can expand their options after high school through concurrent enrollment, advanced coursework and other programs.

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Social Emotional Learning

Social emotional learning (SEL) at Collegiate Academy helps students apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to handle daily challenges.

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Seal of Biliteracy

Collegiate Academy students can earn the Jeffco Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating proficiency in at least one world language in addition to English by graduation.

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Special Education

Identified students at Collegiate Academy receive services that best meet their specific needs.

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Learn about Jeffco’s technology offerings including Tech for Ed, digital citizenship and wellness, learning applications and tech support.

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